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Healthy Women's World

Beauty Tips From Some Of The Worlds Most Beautiful Models

  • By: M Green

  • Want to know beauty tips that the worlds top models use? Our models share their beauty tips that will have you looking as good as they do. Simple tips that cost less than a cup of coffee. I call it the “Models Cheat Sheet.” Listed below are some of their tips for you.

    1) If your hair is looking a little greasy and lost some of its shine rub a little talcum powder thru it and watch it bounce back instantly.

    2) Having trouble covering up a pimple or blemish and no amount of makeup is making it look better, just making it look bigger. Don’t try to hide it, take a tip from Cindy Crawford or Madonna and turn an eyesore into a beauty spot. Use an eyebrow pencil to color it in.

    3) No one likes those bags under the eyes but some days we just don’t get enough sleep and out they come. Sure there are teabags or cucumber and ice packs that you can use to reduce them but that takes time. So do what the models do rub hemorrhoid cream on them. It will bring the swelling down and tighten the skin in no time at all.

    4) Don’t go putting that hemorrhoid cream away just yet. We all hate those little spidery veins that we get, give them a rub with the cream too. They well reduce or even disappear before your eyes. Ask any model to show you her handbag or makeup bag and you will always find a tube of hemorrhoid cream.

    5) Want to wear an outfit that is a little loose around the breasts and you feel that if you are not careful you might fall out of it. Do what the Hollywood stars and models do use double sided sticky tape. Stick the tape on your skin and press the edge of the clothing onto the tape and it will remain in placed all night. No more embarrassing moments from something popping out.

    6) A good smile is so important our look and how we feel. Try this natural teeth whitening tip. Rub a fresh strawberry along your teeth, they will whiten up naturally. Just check that you don't leave any pulp or seeds behind in your teeth.

    7) Shoes giving you blisters try a little Vaseline or similar lubricant on the pressure points inside of the shoe. Being oil based it will prevent or at least minimize the rubbing. Be careful not to use too much and check that the Vaseline doesn’t stain the shoe, especially if they are leather. Being petroleum based it is an oil and will stain like an oil.

    8) The dreaded “Visible Panty Line” (VPL) we have all seen it, whether wearing a dress, skirt or pants it’s never a good look. Try wearing g-strings, thongs or Boy Shorts style knickers. They won’t show thru your clothing.

    9) With all the low cut jeans and trousers now in the market place there is always that problem of leaning forward or crouching and having your knickers show over the top of your waistband especially at the back. Try our range or Micro g-strings and thongs they sit much lower than conventional knickers and won’t peek over the top of your trousers or low cut skirts.

    I trust these tips will prove helpful and suggest that you try them for yourself.

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    Pink Makeup 2

    M Green from

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