There are some who wouldn't be caught dead in public without make up and then there are some who refuse to wear
make up at all and prefer the natural look.
Some people have told me they like to let their skin breathe. Well don't worry about it! There's plenty of skin on your body, let the rest of it do the breathing! Your skin is fed from the inside and won't suffer so long as you make sure you cleanse at the end of the day.
But you can actually create a natural look using make up. That way you can have that clean fresh appearance while being able to disguise those flaws that you (and probably only you!) dislike.
So let's have a basic lesson on how to apply make up to create a fresh natural look
Orange face, white neck. Brown neck, pink face.
We all know someone with no perception of how her make-up really looks on her own face.
She's sweet, really sweet. But she's a joke in your circle of friends. Oh, no. It isn't you, is it?
Well, even if you don't wear 'clown makeup,' chances are you're making some mistakes with your
Take stock to be sure that you don't fall into any of the makeup traps below
As a doctor I know what damage some traditional makeup products can cause the skin if worn over time for prolonged periods without adequate cleansing.
So the advent of mineral makeup to the cosmetic counters is a major breakthrough in healthy living and skincare.
Mineral cosmetics have their basis in ground-up minerals, including various metal ores and iron oxide.
Being natural, they are allergen-free and contain no chemical dyes, added preservatives, fillers, perfumes, oils or talc – or other ingredients commonly found in traditional makeup products.
Mineral makeup contains only pure mineral pigments in concentrated form. Due to their concentration they perform the functions of concealer, foundation and powder - and incredibly all in a single application which binds to the skin so well that very little touch-up is required as the day progresses.
After mineral makeup is first applied – and this can be done very simply with a brush - the skin might appear a little powdery, but after a short time you will find that it is taken up very well by the natural oils within the skin.And incredibly, you’ll find that by nighttime your face will look just as fresh as it did in the morning when the makeup was first applied, without shine or streaks
There's two words for makeup this spring. Think PINK!
Not a traditional pink, though, but a more
refined, dynamic pink!
Pinks in the past have been either bubble gum
Betty or too pale and close to dead. The new
makeup colors for spring 2006, however, have
found their middle ground - more than visible on
the lips but also refined and elegant, giving
pink a new found respect.