Doing the same thing over and over again can make things a little bit mundane?
There is really nothing wrong with you if you ever felt like that.
It is not that you do not love the same person any more but it is just that repetitions themselves without even the slightest change
of routine, same place, same atmosphere, same time, same style, same finishing, just makes things too predictable and when things
become too predictable, our brain, which is probably our most powerful sexual organ, just is not stimulated as much as it used to.
Simple changes will make a whole lot of difference in how we think and in turn, how we may get stimulated from the small things in life.
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How to Improve your SEX Life
Passion is pure energy,
aliveness, and like life itself, it starts off neutral; it is a given. We
are the ones that give the energy of passion direction and meaning. The
more we have succeeded in channeling passion into love, the more
attractive we have become to each other, and the more attractive our
relationship has become to both of us. Great sex is an active
ingredient in all healthy love relationships. Sex is fun and pleasure is
good for us. Making love is surrendering to a higher form of energy than
any one love partner can experience alone. Making love is two love
partners experiencing their oneness with each other.
When we make
love, we are much greater than the sum of our parts. It is spiritual as
well as physical. We never forget the spiritual source of our love. Making
love is a Divine idea. We never allow making love to become the supreme
expression of the absence of God in our lives
The tempo of modern living can seem to play havoc
with our sexual relationships. There are always reasons to put
everything else before our sexual gratification. However, the
choice is yours.
Do you remember the passion and
sexual excitement that got you into the relationship in the
first place? That is what life and living is actually
all about. Temporary diminishment of sexual desire can happen
in any relationship. Illness, relocation, job loss or
financial setbacks, can adversely affect our desire from time
to time. External circumstances can and do affect the fire.
Now a temporary break may actually be a good thing, as this
can lead to renewed discovery of one another. The problem
arises when the situation is prolonged. Now the lack of sexual
desire or activity can actually cause distress in the
relationship and lead to unhappiness in both partners and
breakdowns. This needs to be addressed to avoid causing
irreparable damage destroying the relationship.
are some simple ways to get your mojo working
with the right partner can be wonderful,
pleasurable and satisfying. When two people
physically connect, sex can be liberating and
the orgasm powerful. However, many people report
having difficulty in achieving orgasm and when
they do, it is sometimes disappointing. Others
say that it is not always possible for them to
achieve orgasm. An orgasm does not have to be an
elusive thing. There are ways to experience a
powerful orgasm - it just takes a little
practice and a few helpful
tips [...more