Achieving Orgasm Getting the Most out of it
By: Candis
with the right partner can be wonderful,
pleasurable and satisfying. When two people
physically connect, sex can be liberating and
the orgasm powerful. However, many people report
having difficulty in achieving orgasm and when
they do, it is sometimes disappointing. Others
say that it is not always possible for them to
achieve orgasm. An orgasm does not have to be an
elusive thing. There are ways to experience a
powerful orgasm - it just takes a little
practice and a few helpful
Don’t focus too hard on it.
When your mind becomes fixated on the goal of
achieving orgasm, your chances of actually
reaching this peak diminish significantly. Sex
is a wonderful activity that you should enjoy
free of inhibitions and nagging thoughts.
Instead, focus on your partner and how his/her
body connects with your own. You want your mind
to become attuned to the sensations and
movements of your bodies. Your goal is to react
instinctively and not plan anything. Stay in
this state of action and reaction and revel in
the feeling of two bodies moving in unison. The
more you are able to let go and simply enjoy the
act, the better the sex will be.
If you
are struggling with achieving a powerful orgasm,
it may be because your foreplay is lacking.
Sometimes in the excitement leading up to sex,
there is a tendency to reduce the time spent on
foreplay or to skip it altogether. Unless there
are serious time constraints, foreplay should
never be skipped. In fact, good foreplay can
lead to more powerful feelings of pleasure and
better your orgasm. Here is a tip: if you are
able to slightly tease each other and come close
to orgasm without actually achieving one, your
final orgasmic moment will be spectacular.
Teasing one another in the bedroom is playful
and fun and creates a sexual build up that
powerfully culminates in your final orgasm!
Sometimes the best way to learn how to
have a better orgasm is to practice on your own.
This will involve taking the time to get to know
your body and what sensations you find most
pleasurable. To do this, women may find that
using a vibrator is helpful. A vibrator is a way
of heightening your self-pleasure in a no
pressure environment. There are no set
techniques to utilize a vibrator; the emphasis
is on what feels good for you. The more you are
able to achieve orgasm by yourself, the better
able you will be to recognize the signs of
pleasure. For men, instead of using a vibrator,
simply changing your way of masturbating can
help you to achieve a more powerful orgasm. When
pleasuring your self, focus less on quickly
finishing the task and instead, draw out the
sensations. An orgasm becomes more powerful when
there is not a dash to the finish line. Learn to
take your time and enjoy the feeling.
Sex is supposed to be fun. If you find
you are not having fun and are constantly
worried about whether or not you will achieve
orgasm, you are quite simply going about things
in the wrong way. Let your thoughts go, take
more time, and focus on the wonderful feeling
between the two of you. Achieving orgasm is not
out of reach!