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Online Shopping Abbreviations and Acronyms

Visiting coupon, refunding or bargain sites may, at first, seem like visiting a foreign country. You see phrases such as:

GDA! BBW B&M BOGO on soaps, HTH

And you think WHAT? Huh? What are they talking about? What language is THAT? [...more click to full story]

Top 10 Buying Guides For Shoppers

Top 10 Buying Guides For Shoppers

One of the best things about the internet is how easy it is to get information. For shoppers it is a godsend, you can find almost anything online. There are buying guides for every product.

Some are easier to find then others. Type your product into a search engine and you will find many sites. A trick to find better results is to type your query inside quotation marks. "baby shampoo" will return pages with that exact phrase.

Remember people can write anything online so it may or may not be true, so take buying guides with a grain of salt. There are some fantastic consumer sites with great information. Take your time and do some surfing, it is definitely the smart way to shop.

Get exactly what you want the first time. Never before have you been able to do so much comparing and studying up on anything. You can find the best price and also read some reviews for a better idea about your purchase right from home.

Here are 10 great Buying Guides to get you started:

By: Michael Johnson Article Source:

Be Cautious While Shop Online

Internet is the becoming most common part of out life. With a just a single click, you can buy anything you want. However, you must be cautious before you use all the Internet offers, be vigilant while purchasing anything from net.
At time of online shopping take care of the following to make your net shopping experience quite enjoyable. [...more click to full story]