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Feet Care Tips

Feet Care Tips

Without doubt, your feet are the most active part of your body, even more than your hands. In fact most of the time they are definitely overworked. In this scenario, what do you do for your feet? A pedicure once a month is not enough. You need to take care almost on a daily basis. Most of the foot problems are caused because of neglect and almost no maintenance of your feet. You must pamper your feet once in a while and give them special treatment and also care for them every day [...more click to full story]

Foot Massage

Foot Massage

Guess what’s the best way to relieve your tired feet? If you think about massage – right you are! And the best part is that you don’t have to be a professional to do it yourself.
A foot massage can be performed at any time you wish and as part of a home pedicure procedure as well! The following illustrations depict some standard foot massage techniques that nail technicians perform on their clients during a pedicure – there is nothing difficult about it. If you succeed in talking your best friend, younger sister or your boyfriend into doing a foot massage for you, just let them read this article, put on lose, comfortable clothes, sit comfortably with your back supported and … enjoy!
PS: don’t forget to promise to massage them some time :) [...more click to full story]

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