Foot Massage
Guess what’s the best way to relieve your tired feet? If you think about massage
– right you are! And the best part is that you don’t have to be a professional
to do it yourself. A foot massage can be performed
at any time you wish and as part of a home pedicure procedure as well! The
following illustrations depict some standard foot massage techniques that nail
technicians perform on their clients during a pedicure – there is nothing
difficult about it. If you succeed in talking your best friend, younger sister
or your boyfriend into doing a foot massage for you, just let them read this
article, put on lose, comfortable clothes, sit comfortably with your back
supported and … enjoy! PS: don’t forget to promise to massage them some time
For massage you’ll Need:
teaspoons (10 ml) castor, jojoba, soybean, or extra-virgin olive oil 3 drops
lavender essential oil 1 drop German chamomile essential oil 1 drop
geranium essential oil
Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl. Stir thoroughly. Yields 1
treatment. Start by relaxing your foot. Hold your foot so that one hand is on
the sole and one on the top. If using a massage oil or lotion, protect clothing
and furniture with a towel or two. Rub oiled or creamed hands together
vigorously to warm them before beginning the foot massage. Working from your
ankle to your toes. Massages it with long, firm strokes. Stroking, stimulates
circulation and warms the foot.
Holding your heel in one hand and your toes in the other circle your foot
five times clockwise then anticlockwise. This will loosen the joints and relax
the foot.
Starting with your big toe, stroke the length of each toe in turn and, when
your reach the tip, pull gently to stretch it out. Repeat this three times.
Pulls and Squeezes can be very calming.
Using our thumb and starting at your big toe move along the line of pads
just below your toes. Press on each one firmly before moving on to the next.
Work your way to your little toe, then change hands and, using your other thumb,
work your way back. Repeat twice.
Use your thumb to press down gently from the top to the base of your big
toe. Repeat on all of your toes. When your reach your little toe, change hands
and use the other thumb to go back the other way .Repeat twice.
Holding your toes in one hand, use your thumb on the other hand to press
along the sole, pressing in a line from the base of your big toe to the center
of your foot, following the line of the metatarsal. Repeat on all your toes,
then repeat on the top of your foot following the same line. This will help in
releasing tension in the inner and outer longitudinal arches.
Starting at your heel, use your thumb to press along the inside edge of your
foot all the way up to your big toe. Press firmly and follow the line up over
your instep. Then repeat on the outside edge of your foot, from your heel to
your little toe.
Finally, massage the lower half of your sole, using firm pressure. Rotate
your ankle, both clockwise and anticlockwise, as in step 2 . Repeat step 1 ,
using long, firm strokes from ankle to toes. Put on a cotton sock and repeat the
massage on the other foot.
Article Source:http://allwomenstalk.com