How to Improve your SEX Life
Passion is pure energy,
aliveness, and like life itself, it starts off neutral; it is a given. We
are the ones that give the energy of passion direction and meaning. The
more we have succeeded in channeling passion into love, the more
attractive we have become to each other, and the more attractive our
relationship has become to both of us.
Great sex is an active
ingredient in all healthy love relationships. Sex is fun and pleasure is
good for us. Making love is surrendering to a higher form of energy than
any one love partner can experience alone. Making love is two love
partners experiencing their oneness with each other.
When we make
love, we are much greater than the sum of our parts. It is spiritual as
well as physical. We never forget the spiritual source of our love. Making
love is a Divine idea. We never allow making love to become the supreme
expression of the absence of God in our lives.
The miracle of
unconditional love is nurtured by the power of the Divine and our own
imagination. Imagine the possibilities!
Sex gives us an enormous
opportunity to exercise responsibility. I believe that the sexual
experience is immeasurably heightened when both love partners feel free to
mutually share their likes and dislikes, cares and concerns and honor each
other for their choices. It is the ultimate expression of the joy of life;
of being together. It is a Divine connection.
My love partner is
the consummate lover. She openly discloses her sexuality, free of
inhibitions. I also invite my love partner to know me intimately. Making
love with one another elevates us to a level of satisfaction for which
there are no words.
The highest form of pleasure comes when you
give yourself fully with love, creating a mystical ecstasy that allows
both love partners to be lost in time and space, if only for a few brief
Chains do not hold a relationship together. It is threads,
hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. That
is what makes a relationship last - more than passion or even sex.
love partner and I both know that our individual sexual fulfillment is
primarily up to each other, not our love partner. Our lovemaking is a
beautiful expression of love at its most Divine level of happiness; a
demonstration of reverence for God’s ultimate gift of Love to us as
Intimate love partners share playfulness. I have a love
partner who is playful when we make love. Sexual playfulness is vital for
continuing to experience each other as lovers. We both feel free to be
ourselves. Ours is a maturing sexual love relationship, and as lovers we
discover an even greater source of sexual excitement by revealing our
emotional selves and communicating heart-to-heart in our sexual
In the passion of making love, my playmate and I communicate
a profundity of love that words cannot carry. Being together in this fully
present and intimate way opens the channel of communication to allow for
full disclosure of emotions and the expression of our innermost
We never allow our lovemaking to be a routine act of
fulfilling desire. To do so would invite boredom. Intimate love is an
adventure of shared warmth and spontaneity. We have spontaneity in our
lovemaking, knowing that spontaneity between lovers must always be
balanced with kindness, care, and respect for each other.
today, right now, without condition or requirement. Live each day by love.
Seize love when it comes your way and as quickly, give it away. Celebrate
love! We occasionally have our very own private party in the bedroom or
anywhere else our imagination takes us that might stimulate and excite us.
We allow our imagination and creativity free rein. We do not expect our
love relationship to be exciting without making it exciting.
intimate and trusting atmosphere we create together allows an occasional
flirting with mutually acceptable fantasies, a powerful stimulus to sexual
pleasure. Anything goes as long as love prevails: touch, tongue, tickle;
silk, satin, lace; the kitchen table, the patio in the moonlight, the hot
tub or Bennigan’s parking lot.
Making love is an open window of
discovery, an exciting adventure of each other, allowing exploration of a
depth of passion attainable to only the few.
My love partner and I
work together to make our love sanctuary more beautiful and comfortable to
enliven and make special our intimacy.
There is no such thing as
too much intimacy.
A balance of excitement and quiet pleasures allows
a relationship to maximize its potential. My love partner and I have a
deep need for the gentleness of a passionate kiss, tenderness, caressing,
fondling, and touching each other.
We experience touch as an
expression of caring, of comforting and of expressing warm affection.
Touching enlivens our lives. It nurtures our love relationship. The gift
of touch contains within it the miracle of healing and bonding. Touch is a
means of connecting emotionally, physically and spiritually. The
gentleness of touch communicates, "I love you," and is not always a
prelude to passion.
Touch me! Love me gently with your touch. When
it is a genuine expression of true love, touch can bring you intimately
closer to another human being than can thousands of words.
physical nakedness reflects our emotional honesty, and our intimate
physical embrace denotes our emotional acceptance of each other. Physical
intimacy is the goal of our sexual expression. With intimacy comes a
deeper level of exposure of one's self, a profound feeling of enrichment
of us joining as one and loving acceptance by each other.
is often found in the quietness of loving words.
In an atmosphere
of safety and trust, we derive much pleasure from giving a full-body
massage and receiving one, never neglecting any part of our bodies. The
deliberate, slow motion of massage stirs passion and builds desire. It
allows us to tune in to our lover’s innermost
Candlelight, soft music, a glass of wine, fragrant oils,
a soft feather, a vibrator or two and more are all a sacred part of this
Divine ritual. We use our imagination and enjoy one another. We savor the
magic of the moment. Massage is communicating with sensitivity what we
find most pleasurable and erotic; it is making love with our
My lover’s body is a temple, the container of my loved
one's soul. I honor it. I respect it.
Trust blazes new trails. It
creates the opening for intimacy to exist. Among lovers, trust invites the
spark of the Divine to ignite their passion.
We listen for the sensual
sounds our music makes. We know our lover's body like a musician knows his
instrument and we play it for all it's worth. We make beautiful music
together. She often assists me in writing the score. We take turns leading
the orchestra. Our lovemaking is a symphony of supersex. Fully expressing
our feelings in this way lessens pressure and anxiety, increases love and
deepens trust. We continue to rediscover the things that give us pleasure
and bring feelings of closeness.
Sex that is deeply enjoyed is
freely given and taken, with deep soul- shaking climaxes, and makes each
love partner become humble at the remembrance of joys past and expectant
of those yet to be discovered and enjoyed. I am attracted to the majesty
of sexual union with my love partner and excited by the promise of its
lofty secrets.
Last night I made love with an angel. She was so hot
her eyes danced as if to escape the fire of our passion.
I am becoming
a master at being passionately intimate with the one I love. Sparks fly!
We can feel the sexual electricity in the air when we are together. We
tingle when we mingle. Whatever my lover and I find ourselves doing in the
flow of making love is right and beautiful.
We share our passion
without fear, and with patience, commitment, and trust. This level of
emotional sharing generates a limitless flow of sexual energy. I seek not
just sensory gratification but Divine union with my lover.
My love
partner is someone who shares my desire to devour life for the romantic
adventures that make life delicious.
Thank You
~ Adam
Starbucks, Ph.D.
Adapted from the book DISCOVERY
Author Adam Starbucks is a professional speaker. He
presents "Relationship Enrichment LoveShops" nationally for singles and
married couples