Women are fabulous!
They are resourceful, determined, complex, resilient,
& compassionate. They are able to endure pregnancy,
childbirth, child-raising, heartbreak, husband-raising,
being the career women, and running the household
(housecleaning, bill paying, activities coordinator,
sexy vixen, hostess, etc, etc.). Learn how successful
women make it all happen, while looking, feeling and
being fabulous.
Make more time for
yourself. You need to invest time in yourself in
order for you to be living your ‘best life.’ You need
time to take care of yourself, time to rest, time to
grow, and time for the other 14 things on this
Surround yourself with successful people
who you admire. You have heard the saying “dress for
the job you want, not the job you have.” This is a
similar principle. Being around people you admire is
like a crash course in how you want your life to be, and
often these people will help you find the shortcut to
your dream life.
Network. Positive
networking means that you meet lots of new people every
week and find out what YOU can do for THEM, and then,
when possible, DO IT! (see The Frog and Prince:
Secrets of Positive Networking; Rezac, Thomson &
Hallgren, 2003). This will widen your network and give
you access to people and services that you may need
somewhere down the line. People will know who you are,
what you offer, and many will want to help you; too
often you don't even have to ask.
Develop a
strong social support system. Women get so busy that
they can forget to call their friends, their family
members, and their neighbors. But it is important to
have people in your life that can be there for you when
'life happens' - when someone gets sick or is in an
accident and you need emergency child care, a ride to
the hospital, a shoulder to cry on. In return, you are
there for them in an emergency. But it is a lot easier
to request these favors when you have been sustaining
and maintaining the relationship, not when you have been
neglecting them because you have been too
Get rid of toxic people in your
life. Many women do not like to let go of any
relationship, even if it is bad. Either we are nurturers
and we think we can fix it, or we are afraid of hurting
someone's feelings. However, some relationships are not
worth the effort. Do you know anyone that is critical of
you (in a destructive, not a constructive way)? Do you
have friends/family members who drain you every time you
see or talk to them? Do you associate with people who
discourage your quest for success? You've got to cut or
at least loosen these ties. If the relationship is very
important to you, let the person know the effect that
they are having on you. Perhaps these negative effects
are oblivious, and they will change. But do not waste
your precious time and energy on toxic people. You have
too much growing to do!
Ask for help when
necessary (and even when not). Ready to hear a
secret? You DO NOT have to do it all. That's right. You
don't have to be superwoman and be in 100 places at one
time and run yourself ragged from sunrise until bedtime.
Can you do everything yourself? Probably. Will you be
happy doing it? Nope, I don't think so. Will you be
taking good care of yourself? Will you be relaxed and
happy when your family members get home from work or
school? Will you look and feel your best? Heed this good
advice that successful women know: Enlist A Team
- a coach, a mentor, a massage therapist, a cleaning
person, etc. And if you are taking care of parents - get
help! Yes, you deserve your own team of "assistants" to
help you with your life.
Spend time with
girlfriends. Who has time, you ask yourself? Can you
afford not to? Women need to talk to other women. We can
talk to each other in a way that we cannot talk to our
partners, our mothers, or our children. We all need
friends that we can talk to about anything who know that
we are just venting and know that the information goes
no further. We need to commiserate, to laugh, to talk
about things that men don't think we enjoy talking
about. We need a safe place to talk about our fat, our
old lovers, our favorite new designers - a place where
our audience is enraptured by these same topics. Not
something you are always likely to get at
Eat well. Your mother always told
you - you are what you eat! Well, you may not be a
french fry, but your body will certainly treat you more
nicely if you treat it nicely. Eating well will help
maintain a healthy weight and provide you with the
energy to need to get through your busy days. Remember
to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink at
least 8 glasses of water a day, stay away from junk
food, fried food, and processed food, and watch your
portions. A great tip is to serve your meals on smaller
plates. Sometimes we eat until our plate is empty,
regardless of whether we need it all or not. Don't deny
yourself foods that you love. Just indulge in small
Exercise. This should be a top
priority. Exercise can help you to: manage your weight,
deal with stress, prevent osteoporosis, have more
energy, be stronger, prevent heart disease, prevent
cancer, and of course, feel, look and BE
Get enough sleep. This provides
you more physical, mental, and emotional resources so
that you can more effectively deal with your busy
schedule and keep stress at bay. You will look and feel

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Continue to learn and grow. This
helps keep you young – it’s true! One way of
postponing/preventing dementia is to participate in
life-long learning. It will also make you more well
rounded and interesting, and more importantly, will make
the world more interesting to you!
Get a
coach. A coach can help you get your dreams on the
map- can help you discover what your true desires are
and help you find a way to live the biggest life that
you can. The years pass by more quickly with time, and
as far as we know, we only have one life – so why not do
everything you can to make the most of it? That way, at
the end of your life you will have no
Groom yourself so you look AND feel
like a million bucks all the time. You don't ever
want to have to hide your hands or toes because they
aren't properly taken care of. Successful women are
always confident about their appearance because they put
the time in on a consistent basis to maintain an
acceptable baseline level of grooming. Every city has
the crème de la crème of hairstylists - pay an extra $20
or $50 and keep your look fresh.
Big. If it isn't on your map, there is no way to get
there. If it is as least a spot on your map, there is a
much better chance that you will find your way there,
although it would be helpful to take a more pro-active
approach. See: "Get a Coach".
Give Back.
Get involved (or at least donate to) your favorite
charity, be a mentor, support programs in your
community. Remember secret # 6- everyone could use a
little help.
Do these secrets sound like fun?
They are! And THAT is the final secret! You DON'T have
to be run yourself ragged; you DON'T have to do it all.
Taking care of yourself is like putting money in the
bank. The more you invest, the greater your returns.
Incorporate as many of these tips into your life as soon
as possible, and if this seems like a daunting task,
enlist the help of a coach. You can be successful AND
happy too!
Article Source: www.articleavenue.com/