8 minute dating is growing fast across the country and more people are trying
it. The 8 minute dating events are becoming more popular today because of its
wonderful technique for you to socialize with other people without that shyness
and pressure of finding a topic to talk about. 8 minute dating are events
occurring in different parts of the country to help single men and women to find
an easy date without the hassle of the meeting place and the conversations.
8 minute dating are events where a group of people get together and get paired up with someone. Each pair gets 8 dates for the night and 8 minutes to charm them and to find that certain spark among each other. All in all, each individual gets 64 minutes the whole night to find someone suitable for them. If they don’t, the 8 minute date continues. It may seem that 8 minutes is very little to get to know that person, but in the plus side, you get to meet a lot of people. People cannot ask the other person for his/her number so the conversations are comfortable and safe. The participants of the event would know in the end who they like to see once more, that’s the only time you can ask for his/her number. Here are some tips on how to act on the 8 minute dating event:
1. Meet the person that first catches your eye.
2. Try to look your best when going to this event. 3. Try to be casual, yet interesting and engaging, since you only have 8 minutes. 4. Listen and respond. And when you respond, try to connect it with the thing she just said. This will make the conversation more interesting and it’s a great way to find out the things you have in common. 5. Don’t talk too much and try to ask a question after you respond. 6. Make eye contact but don’t stare at him/her or he/she would just feel weird. 7. Talk about general things like what both of you does for a living or where he/she is from. 8. Try not to ask yes or no questions because that usually leads to a dead end. 9. If a moment gets silent, try to tell a joke that your friends think is funny. And say it with entusiasm or else it won’t be funny. 10. Tell something interesting about yourself that you think he/she would like. 11. Don’t criticize a thing he/she says because that’s just wasting time and he/she might feel offended. 12. Don’t ask too much questions because he/she might feel insecure about answering. 13. If you don’t like who you are dating, please be respectful and don’t blow him/her off. You might find out that you have a lot in common. 14. Keep your hands to yourself and give them space. 15. Concentrate on the conversation your having and not if your going out again. 16. Feel good about yourself and always be positive, and your date will feel good about you. 17. For the ladies, don’t chat a lot and ask him open-ended questions. 18. Do not over-dress, a cock-tail dress for the ladies would do. 19. Last, BE YOURSELF! Try following these simple rules in 8 minute dating and before you know it, you might be on date number 2. So come on and check out the net for the nearest 8 minute dating event near you and give it a shot. |