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Healthy Women's World

Dating Etiquette: 101

  • By: Kristin Marquet

  • Until recently, men and women’s roles of dating etiquette have been clearly defined. However, now there is some confusion between what each gender’s role is. So, here are a few rules to follow that will help simplify that confusion.

    1. Being punctual is important. It looks like you are organized and responsible. If you are running late, have the courtesy to call him.

    2. Not showing up for a date is immature and not acceptable behavior. If something comes up that prevents you from making the date, call him and cancel.

    3. When you arrive, make sure you are well groomed. A man will be turned off if you do not comb your hair or brush your teeth. This is the stage to make a lasting impression. You want to leave with him asking for another date, right?

    4. Dating should not be hard. It should be fun and enjoyable.

    Dating should be fun and enjoyable

    5. When you first see your date, compliment him. Say, “It’s really nice to see you again.” or “You look really nice.”

    6. When you are on first a date, body language is probably one of the top things your date notices. Make sure you smile a lot, make eye contact, and do not play with your hair (especially if you are in a restaurant).

    7. Pay attention to your date. Do not let your eyes wander. He will think that you are not interested. 8. Excessive smoking and drinking is a huge turn-off. If you are in a restaurant, limit your alcohol consumption. You do not want to get drunk, pass out at the table, or vomit on the floor.

    9. Do not act arrogant or obnoxious. Also, try to stay away from discussing politics and religion.

    10. Try not to act pretentious or flashy on the first date.

    11. When you are on a date, do not use vulgarity.

    12. Please, I cannot stress this enough. A first date is never a proper time to talk about ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands. Men do not want to hear about your last boyfriend. They are interested in hearing about you.

    13. Never tell lies. If you do, it will eventually catch up with you. There is nothing more embarrassing than being caught in a lie.

    14. Do not ever pretend to be single when you are on a date. This makes you look promiscuous.

    15. Since we live in the twenty-first century, if you asked someone to dinner, I believe that you should have intentions to pay the bill. When the bill comes to the table, make an effort to pay it. However, if he insists on paying the bill, let him. The next time that you go out, it will be your financial responsibility.

    16. Ask questions about your date. Wait until he has completed his answer before you start talking. Do not talk about money and do not monopolize the conversation.

    17. I recommend that you make the first date a little shorter than usual. Remember, if things go well, you can always extend it.

    18. After the date has ended, as the woman, you should only call your date once. It is rude to call twice without reciprocation. When you call or send multiple emails, you force him away. Men do not like women that are needy and clingy, especially, after the first date.

    19. Be safe and not too trusting in the beginning. When you are meeting someone for a date, observe your surroundings. You do not want any trouble, especially if you were drinking throughout the night. Again, keep alcohol to a minimum, if any at all.

    I hate to say, but in dating there are unwritten laws and rules. It is a test of compatibility. We ask, “Should I go out with him? Does he like me? Was that comment out of line? When is he going to ask me to marry him?” There are no definitive answers to these questions. We just don’t know these answers; so just try to enjoy the time that you spend on each date.

    Author, Kristin Marquet, wrote this article. It is available on Kristin Marquet is the author of “How Can a Woman Survive Dating in a World Full of Players, Losers, Liars, Scumbags, and Mama’s Boys? A Single Women’s Guide to Online Dating in a World full of…” and “The Ultimate Women’s Guide to Modern Dating.” These e-books are available for sale on She is also the president of Brilliant Mode Publications. Article Source:

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