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Healthy Women's World

 Internet Dating: What Are You Looking For?

  • By: Nicolette Arden

  • So you've decided to start searching for Mr. Right or Ms. Right online. Good for you! So now what? What should you consider first? Well, first and foremost, decide on what you want to get out of this experience. Do you merely want to find a movie buddy? Someone to date on special occasions? Are you looking for a long-term relationship? "Holy Matrimony"? A boyfriend/girlfriend? A sex buddy? Before you "jump into the pool" so to speak, it would be a good idea to think about exactly what it is that you're looking to get out of this experience.

    The first secret (and it's more of a common sense thing than a secret) of online dating would be, "Decide EXACTLY what it is that you want to get out of this experience." It really will help guide you as you meander your way through the online dating maze.

    Here's to happy dating!


    Nicolette Arden is a writer, and relationship consultant who has extensive experience with online dating. She is now married to her "Mr. Right", a man that she met online. Read more of Nicolette's advice at

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