Happily Divorced?
Larry Westfall
Divorce is becoming increasingly more common in light of new laws
that practically authorize divorce on all grounds. Many couples decide to
get married on a spontaneous act and later find that due to lack of
compatibility, divorce is the only way out.
Few people ask what
the procedures for divorce entail. The procedures are never easy, but if
you do not have children, then Pro Bono divorces may be the best solution.
Pro Bono lawyers are available and can terminate divorces fairly easy;
however, the public libraries have the step-by-step guides to go through
the procedures of divorce. The persons merely read the directions, copy
the papers provided in the book, fill out the forms, and visit the County
Clerk for authorization. Once the clerk stamps the papers of approval, the
couple is then issued a court date in which they will participate to
finish the process.
Once the couple is in the courtroom, the judge
will ask each party why they are considering divorce. The couple must say,
“There has been a breakdown in the marriage to the point of no
reconciliation.” The courts may ask for a brief detail and ask if children
and assets are involved before granting the divorce. If there are no
children involved, but assets existing, then it depends on the willingness
of the couple if the Judge will grant the divorce; otherwise, additional
court hearings may be needed to finalize the divorce.
If the
parties considering divorce have a wealth of assets without children, it
may be advisable to seek the help of a professional attorney to split the
assets amongst the two. Divorces are never easy; thus, considering the
reasons and weighing them out carefully is the ultimate answer to resolve
the problem. If you do not feel that you are ready for a divorce, you may
want to continue to work on your relationship before you file for the
long, expensive, and tricky process of divorce.