It is no surprise that moms feel overwhelmed when they try to fit everything
into their busy days. After all, few single people can manage to juggle work,
home life, and fun successfully. On top of these responsibilities, moms add car
pool duty, cupcake emergencies, and last minute science projects to their to do
lists. So, how do moms manage to fit all of those tasks into their lives and
still keep their sanity without resorting to cloning? Of course moms who work from home have a flexibility that other moms don’t have. If you become overwhelmed with all that you have to do, give yourself permission to take some time off to catch up. If you simply can’t take time off, you may want to find a mother’s helper to watch the children and do some basic household chores while you work. Finally, if it seems you are always spending your evenings helping your children complete big assignments that are due the next day, give each of your children a homework notebook. If they neglect to write assignments down, ask their teachers to initial the assignment book, so you will know that all assignments are listed. This will eliminate all of those last minute posters, science fair projects, and reports that moms seem to end up helping with until midnight the night before they are due. |