Is Your Modern Diet Killing You?
By:Michelle Bacchus
Not feeling good lately? Having a hard time enjoying a good dinner for fear
of the discomfort that may result later? Are you finding it harder and harder to
lose weight? Do you or members of your family find it takes longer to get over
an illness or injury?
Scientists the world over are increasingly saying
many of these problems and more are probably related to our modern diets. Even
though the food we eat tastes and looks fine to our eyes, most of it is filled
with fat and harmful chemicals that don't even have to be listed on the label.
Did you know that the taste AND smell of many foods in restaurants are
achieved almost entirely with specially designed chemicals? Without those
chemicals, the french fried you enjoyed yesterday would have tasted like grease
lumps and smelled even worse. Specially designed chemicals added to food trick
you into thinking you're eating food that is good for you. Nothing could be
further from the truth.
More and more people are insisting on eating
whole, raw, natural foods. Instead of milk that is filtered, cooked, and
chemically treated, many families are now finding ways to get untreated, natural
milk directly from the cow. The health benefits are incredible, including real
scientific evidence that raw milk (like our grandparents drank) successfully
treats some ailments.
The lesson is easy to see. Humans were never
designed to eat chemicals and processed blobs of fat. For thousands of years we
ate nothing but whole grains, fresh fruits, and other natural, raw nutrients.
Instead of ingesting factory-created pills, we used specific herbs to calm
maladies and cure illness.
No wonder people today have more health
problems that ever. Clearly we need to stop and remember some of the important
nutrition lessons our ancestors knew so well.
Here are four ways you can
improve your diet NOW:
1. Stop buying so many pre-packed foods. Instead,
stock your shopping cart with fresh vegetables, fruits, and juices. They're
better for you by far.
2. Pass up fast food. Our busy schedules
encourage eating at drive-throughs, but taking time to cook fresh food will pay
dividends to your health.
3. Look for herbal supplements and treatments
first before you opt for prescription drugs. They're far cheaper and often much
better for your health.
4. Get exercise. Our ancestors didn't sit for
hours in front of TV's and computer screens. Most walked everywhere they went.
No wonder many lived active, healthy lives well into their 70s, 80s, and 90s.
One of the most exciting developments recently are studies that tell us
what people ate in biblical times. As you may know, some people mentioned in the
Bible lived what may have been extraordinarily long lives. Studies show people
of those regions in those times ate very interested combinations of plants and
juices. Experts say that may be how many of them lived to be well over
A line of exciting, healthful products created from recipes from the Bible.
Extensive scientific research has shown just what foods and juices helped people
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Article Source: www.ArticlesBase.com
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