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Healthy Women's World

4 Weeks to a Flatter Stomach

  • By: Karen Sessions

  • Do you want to know how to turn your belly pooch into a flatter stomach? If you are like most people, the answer is a loud and clear, "YES!"

    flat stomach
    You can definitely achieve a smoother and flatter stomach than you have right now just by following these simple tips in this article for 30 days. You will be amazed at how effectively they work.

    In brief, high-grade nutrition is one of the most essential factors to weight loss and a flat stomach. Cardiovascular exercise, too, has its place. When you combine quality nutrition with the right cardio program, you have a killer recipe for fat loss. The benefits of adding cardio to your exercise program are limitless.


    Burns calories

    Boosts your metabolism

    Decreases stress and anxiety

    Burns fat

    Improves sleep

    Improved endurance

    Improves heart and lung function

    Creates a sense of euphoria

    No More Boring Cardio

    Many people get discouraged when doing cardio because it's boring to them. Cardio exercise is not limited to walking on a treadmill. The days of boring cardio are over. Cardio can be fun and invigorating. There are many different forms of cardio that you can implement to break out of that same boring routine. Using a variety can make cardio fun and enjoyable.

    Great forms of cardio:



    Power walking

    Aerobic class

    Spinning class

    Running stadiums




    Best Time To Do Cardio:

    There has been a lot of debate regarding "the absolute best time to do cardio." The best time to do cardio is when it's best for you.

    The discussion of fasted cardio is also a topic that has been beaten to death. Does fasted cardio burn muscle? Fasted cardio only burns muscle if you are not eating enough food of quality. Under-eating combined with fasted cardio equals muscle loss.

    Kicking Up Cardio To Burn Fat

    You can take your cardio to a new level and crank up your fat-burning process by implementing HIIT (high-intensity interval training) which is alternating short bursts of high-intensity with moderate recovery periods.

    Taking Your Fat Burning To New Levels

    While cardio is a fat-loss advantage in any fitness program, a diet consisting of quality foods and strength training exercises creates a defense shield to prevent fat gain. For a well-rounded fitness program, include all three components (good nutrition, strength training, and cardio).

    Conclusion to 4 Weeks to a Flatter Stomach

    There you have it: When you are armed with the facts and implement them consistently, you have nothing to lose but fat and you will be pleased with your final outcome. Challenge yourself right now and start combining these simple methods to accomplish a flatter stomach. In 30 days you'll be happy that you did.
    A flat stomach asap

    Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies.

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