When you offhandedly mention that you are studying
the ancient Hindu and Buddhist craft of Tantra
massage and beliefs, you are sure to get at
least a raised eyebrow of interest. After all,
Tantra massage sounds sensual, and brings on
naughty thoughts. Not naughty, but a sense of
“sensual awareness”.
The key to a Tantric
massage is to liven up the body, not to relax
the body. The true purpose is to energize the
body with the mind. To surrender to a relax
state of deep trust between you and your partner
resulting in a connection.
wants to connect with their partner on a higher
level. Tantra massages can give a relationship
more that just a sexual connection. It would be
nice to connect your mind, body, and soul with
your partner. These methods are fully shown by
the author of Hot Tantra Sex Games: Sexual
Healing with Tantra.
But first before
we get to the seven steps of the massage you
need to give a Tantric massage, you need to make
this an event. So, send a nice invitation to
your partner. This can tantalize the mind and
body that will reach deep into your partner’s
soul. The invitation will help turn this into an
event that your partner will remember for a
The next step in the beginning
process is to set up the atmosphere. Atmosphere
is important since most humans are visual in
nature. If you know what your partner’s favorite
color, smell, and music, provides those items to
the setting to add a familiar atmosphere. Then
add the soft lighting and provide a comfortable
lying area. A soft blanket with a lot of bright
soft pillows is the ideal setting.

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next step is to pick your products that will be
the base of your massage. Remember to think of
what your partner likes and dislikes. The basic
warm baby oil with small rubbing stones is
ideal. It is also nice to have a warm dish of
water with a washcloth available, in case of
excessive oil.
You can make your own
customized massage oil that adds a sentimental
value. By customizing a scent for you and your
partner, you will add a connection to your
emotional level. The first step to making your
own scented massage oil is to select your
partner and your favorite scent.
next step is to gather two bottles and add baby
oil halfway up the bottle. Now, add six drops of
your selected scent, then shake and place in the
warm water with the cloth.
Now, you are
ready to get going with the seven steps that
will move energy and awareness through this
massage. The Tantric massage treats the energy
and the physical of the massage on different
levels. The Tantric massage works the Aura
energy on the outside of the body while the
affirming touching massages the physical sensual
awareness and the experimenting with freestyle
brings partner’s awareness to sexual boundaries.
Remember, there is nothing worst than a
pair of cold hands on a warm body to turn the
mood toward the artic atmosphere. Therefore, the
preparation of your massaging tools- your hands,
is vital. By placing several drops of warm oil
on your hands and start, a circular motion will
generate a nice set of heated hands.
you are ready to start your massage. Start at
the base of the spine, using a circular motion
then extending that motion long and outward to
the side. In Tantric teaching they teach people
about Chakras in the body and how they move
energy through the body until they connect the
two people’s souls.
There are seven
Chakras that help your body stay health and
clear. We are only going to focus on three
chakras, the solar plexus (the connection to the
soul), the sexual and the heart.
Chakras that is in this lower region controls
the sexual and creative energy. If you continue
to massage the lower area of the back you can
connect the energy to the scrotum area.
Continue your massage to the area just
under the shoulder blades, the heart area. The
heart is central to the Tantric energy map and
believes that this strengthens the connection
between your heart and sexuality. In Tantric,
the process is known as the “opening of the
heart charkas.”
The next critical step
is to apply the affirming touch and pressure to
stir up the sexual energy. This is where you
have to know the boundaries of your partner.
Start massages the genital areas and other
arousing areas on your partner. First make the
touches light then increase the touching until
your partner expression changes. You will become
aware of what level of touching your partner
desires. Now, you are learning the stages of
your partner’s solar plexus.
The next
step is the experimental stage; it too will help
increase the solar plexus. This is where you
make your massage a learning process of what
your partners likes and dislikes. Take the level
of touching up one notch by using different
fabrics, wet or dry, like silks, leathers,
feathers, and furs. The next level can be
textures and even food products, like a string
of pearls or jelly. Again, this is to gather
what they like and don’t like so try a lot of
different things.
The fun is to gather
as much information that you can so you can be
aware of your partner’s sexual desires; creating
a sexual awareness that is vital for any
The last step in this
Tantric massage is freestyle. Freestyle is where
you can implement your own massage movement. It
doesn’t have to be a circular motion. It could
be a sideway thumb motion or a scratching
The final step in this Tantric
massage is that, now it is time for you to
switch places and continue to become awaken and
aware of both your sexual needs.
Price Galvan, author of this new trilogy, The
Vampire Next Door: The Outerworld,
www.llpublishers.com and click on the title
under Our Books. Come visit Barbara at