If you've resolved to get into shape with a new fitness routine this
year, a fresh new workout could be just what you need to honor your
commitment. 2007 brought us belly dancing aerobics, continued use of the
BOSU ball, and Coca-Cola's launch of Enviga which promises to burn
calories as you enjoy the carbonated beverage. No matter what shape
you're in after fad diets and 'creative' workouts you endured in 2007,
there's plenty of room for a some new activities. Here's a look at the
top fitness trends for 2008:
Country Line Dancing Aerobics Sessions
According to the American College of Fitness, more people are interested
in fine-tuning their dance skills, many of which are inspired by ABC's
Dancing with the Stars and other celebrity-endorsed dance routines.
Country line dancing offers a high energy workout with plenty of
creative routines to choose from; just head on over to your gym or
fitness center to find out how to perfect your grapevine and do-si-do
your way to fitness.
Kickboxing, Boot Camp Style
If you're still not a Tae-Bo pro, this is the year to take it up a
notch. Inspired by The Biggest Loser and Celebrity Bootcamp, many gyms
are offering bootcamp-style sessions to whip you back into shape in no
time. Kickboxing may be especially valuable for those who want results,
fast; it's a fast-paced, fat blasting cardio routine that's sure to wake
you up on the 5 a.m. workout run.
iPod Workouts
If you still need motivation to become an early riser for the gym, an
iPod workout routine offers a viable solution. Technology-based workouts
are becoming popular for fitness enthusiasts of all ages; just download
your routine or motivational clips for the day and hit the road.
Express Workouts
Head off to your workout during a lunch break or squeeze in a routine
right before work; express workouts are designed to optimize your
available time and make it much easier to stick with an exercise
program. As more people simply 'don't have the time to workout,' gyms
and fitness centers are taking note by offering classes that promise
results in as little time possible.
More Yoga Options
Yoga continues to be an exercise of choice for fitness enthusiasts of
all experience levels, ages, and strength levels. It's not only a great
stretching and toning workout, but can also help relieve stress and
tension. This year calls for more exotic offerings from the Far East.
Brush up on your downward dog pose and move ahead with complete wellness
and nutritional programming to complement your yoga-based lifestyle.
From downloading an iPod workout to kicking off weight loss with
bootcamp training, 2008 calls for a few shifts in the fitness and
wellness industry. Even if you've used time as an excuse to skip the
gym, an express workout awaits at your local gym or fitness center.