Many years ago when I first learnt it, it surprised me that being overweight meant a person was not in good health. Even more surprising was the discovery that nails could tell a lot about a person's health. It's a pity doctors don't seem to ever examine their patient's nails...instead they are very quick to send someone for x-rays and blood tests instead...I wonder why... Getting back to the point: have a look at your nails. Do they seem different from a few years back? Changes in how your nails look, or changes to their shape or color could indicate a disorder or a disease somewhere in your body long before other symptoms show up. Is it not worth that in itself, to keep a close check on them? For example, white finger nails can indicate that you have kidney problems or anemia. Pitted brown spots or splits on fingernail tips may mean you have psoriasis. Being overweight or obese puts you at risk for many diseases and conditions. The more body fat that you have and the more you weigh, the more likely you are to develop amongst others:
You can check right now from the list below, if there is any condition you may have developed by being overweight, and if so, checking your finger nails may just help you address the problem in time. Our finger nails are made of protein, keratin and sulfur. They grow about.05 to 1.2 millimeters a week. Nail differences or abnormalities are often the outcome of nutritional deficiencies or disorders. Seek medical attention if any of the following symptoms are suspected. The list below shows more diseases and disorders that finger nails can tell you about the state of your body, as well as the effects of being overweight. Some may even say that being overweight is a direct result of a system that is too acidic. Many illnesses and diseases are also a result of a system that is too acidic, so it could very well be argued that if you are overweight, it is more likely that your system is too acidic due to the foods you consume, and this leads to the acidic state of the body. Here are 18 things your nails say about your health and weight:
As you can see, it may very pay you to check the state of your nails often, and even more so, to lose weight. If you are overweight and specially if you are obese and want to lose weight permanently, please go to for lots of information. More importantly, we offer a free 60 day "Get Thin for Good" program that focuses on losing weight without dieting, pills or deprivation. Once you begin losing weight, your health will also improve. |
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